sábado, 9 de marzo de 2019

Dr. Rubens Riotorto Bellomo Medical Oncologist CV

Dr. Rubens Riotorto Bellomo
Medical Oncologist

Medical Oncologist
Compassionate and dedicated professional with extensive experience diagnosing and treating cancer across hospitals and clinical settings. Well-versed in improving patient’s lives, delivering palliative care, interfacing with radiotherapy team, and recommending effective medical oncology treatments regarding bowel, breast, and lung cancer. Proficient in meeting co-ordination, budgeting, consultancy services, case, personnel, and project management. Possess multi-lingual proficiencies in Spanish, English, French, Italian, and Portuguese.

Professional Experience
CHU UCL Louvain, Dinant
Medical Oncologist, 2018
Headed departmental functions at the Day Medical Hospital to accomplish bottom-line results. Assisted four multi-disciplinary meetings regarding breast, gynaecology, colon, and dermatology with St. Elizabeth and Mt. Godinne centres.
Provided robust consultancy services to patients.
Managed patients’ medical oncology treatments.
Genesis Care Group, Spain
Medical Oncologist, 2015–2018
Recommended treatments to cancer patients at Algeciras Clinic in Radon Clinic Algeciras. Discussed patients’ condition with radiotherapy team and proposed RT treatment by interfacing with radiotherapist specialist at Algeciras Clinic.
Conducted follow up visits to oncologic outpatients with all solid tumours and newly cancer patients at Quore Clinic.
Attended weekly MDT meeting and mentored admitted oncologic patients across Clinica La Salud Cadiz.
Clinica Diagonal, Barcelona, Spain
Medical Oncologist, 2012–2015
Delivered solid tumours and chemotherapy services to newly diagnosed cancer patients. Controlled toxicity management. Participated in multi-disciplinary meeting and discussed oncologic patients’ history with general surgeon, radiologist, pathologist, internal medicine, psycologist, and nurse.
Managed solid tumours service with follow up visits.
Hospital Santos Reyes, Aranda de Duero, Burgos
In charge - Tumor Registry, 2010–2011
Gathered and upheld appropriate diagnostic, therapeutic, and survival data on patients with neoplastic diseases while attending regular meetings of the central Tumor Registry in Burgos.
Technical Commission, Spanish Association against Cancer, Melilla, Spain
President, 2008–2009
Provided expert opinion to board of directors on technical aspects of actions of Association.
Hospital Comarcal de Melilla, Spain
Medical Oncologist, 2006–2009
Saw patients with all solid tumors at a Day Hospital to give all medical oncology treatments available at Hospital on a daily basis. Administered patients with follow up visits and newly diagnosed cancer patients. Managed all the patients with an oncologic diagnosis admitted at Hospital and supervised inpatient chemotherapy, toxicity, and palliative care. Oversaw admissions and review of internal medicine patients admitted to Hospital with all internal medicine pathology. Managed all kind of emergency patients including children.
Credited for providing oncology service to about 85K inhabitants within a city.
Additional Experience:
Consultant Assistant, USP Dexeus University Institute, Barcelona | Hospital of Barcelona, Assistencia Sanitaria
Committee Member, Tumor Committee, Hospital Santos Reyes, Aranda de Duero, Burgos
Member of the Breast Pathology Unit, Hospital Santos Reyes, Aranda de duero
Medical Oncologist, Hospital Santos Reyes, Aranda de Duero, Burgos, Spain
Secretary, Tumor Registry Commission, Hospital Comarcal de Melilla, Spain
Medical Oncologist, Asociación Española Primera de Socorros Mutuos, Montevideo, Uruguay
Director, National Institute of Oncology, Ministry of Public Health, Montevideo Uruguay
Committe Member, Comisión Honoraria de Lucha contra el Cancer, Montevideo, Uruguay
Head of Department, Department of Medical Oncology, Instituto Nacional de Oncología, Montevideo Uruguay
Commitee Member, Central Tumor Comittee, (Dirección General de la Administración de Servicios de Salud del Estado), Ministry of Public Health, Montevideo, Uruguay
Committee Member, Advisor Committe for purchases of Antitumor medications, Instituto Nacional de Oncología, Montevideo, Uruguay
Medical Advisor, Anti- tumor National medication Bank, Instituto Nacional de Oncología, Montevideo Uruguay
Advisor, Technical education for Professionals, Comisión Honoraria de Lucha contra el Cáncer, Montevideo, Uruguay
Committee Member, Climateric Commission Ministry of Public Health, Montevideo, Uruguay
Head of Department, Chemotherapy Service, Instituto Nacional de Oncologia
Designed Medical Doctor, Instituto Nacional de Oncología

Education & Credentials
Medical Oncology
Graduate School of Facultad de Medicina de la República Oriental del Uruguay – Montevideo Uruguay
homologation diplomes In Spain, UK and Belgium
Degree of Medical Doctor
Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay –Montevideo Uruguay
homologation diplomes In Spain, UK and Belgium
Professional Development Program for Goverment Employees of Oficina Nacional del Registro Civil
Honorary Collaborator, Immunology Department, Facultad de Química, Montevideo Uruguay under the Supervision of Fernando Goñi in the area of Immunoglobulins & Cancer
Aguarded with a scholarship by Insituto Nacional de Oncología and Comisión Honoraria de Lucha contra el Cáncer at the INSTITUT CURIE of Paris reporting to Prof. Dr. Pierre Pouillart
Courses & Conferences Attended
European Congress 2018 Munich, Germany; European Cancer Congress 2017, Madrid, Spain; ESMO Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark; VI Symposium SOGUG (Spanish Genitourinary Group); Vienna, European Cancer Congress 2015 (ECC 2015); V Symposisum SOGUG; Madrid. ESMO Congress; Madrid, IV Symposium SOGUG; 15th World Congress On Gastrointestinal Cancer, Barcelona; Praga, Prostate Cancer up to date. AGUCC Congress; Updates on Cancer. Dr. Díaz Rubio, Madrid; Intrernational Meeting in Cambridge: Advances on Brest Cancer, UK; 5th EAN- EGFR Advisors Network Meeting, Netherlands

Professional Associations
Member: Spanish Oncology Genitourinary Group, European Society of Medical Oncology, Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica

1. 1995 ASCO Annual Meeting Abstract N: 730. Authors: E Lasalvia, S Cuchi, T Carlevaro, J Vazquez, R Riotorto, L Fierro, Antimetastatic effect of a blood fraction from cancer patients (Meeting Abstract). 2006.
2. Phase II, open-label, randomized study (SIGN) of single agent Gefitinib (IRESSA) or docetaxel as second-line therapy in patients with advanced (stage IIIb or IV) nbon-small-cell lung cancer. Cufer T; Vrdoljak E; Gaafar R; Erensoy I; Pemberton K; on behalf of the SIGN study proup, Principal resercher for Uruguay. Fase II Gefitinib.
3. Anales de Otorrinolaringología del Uruguay, Tomo LXXXI-2004-29 Importancia del Factor de Crecimiento Epidérmico en Oncología. Caso Clínico. Authors: Falconi E; Riotorto R, García E.
4. Communication in the 57 Congress of the National Society of Spanish Hospital Pharmacy. “Usefulness of Cystatin C for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Amikacin in an Oncologic Patient”. Authors: Rebollo Díaz N; Moreno Gómez AM; Revilla Cuesta N; Riotorto Bellomo RE; Cepeda Piorno J.Rubens Riotorto Bellomo
ruriotorto@gmail.com  +32460977053
Personal Details:
March 3rd, 1955  Montevideo  Spain
4. Male  Spanish Citizenship