viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015

Groundbreaking Legislation to Accelerate Pace of Cures in Cancer Care

2015 ASCO Advocacy at Work: Groundbreaking Legislation to Accelerate Pace of Cures in Cancer Care

Major Congressional efforts are underway this year to bring forward legislation that will accelerate the discovery, development, and delivery of promising new treatments to patients. The House Energy and Commerce Committee released its much anticipated first draft of the 21st Century Cures Legislation. The Senate Health Education Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee released “Innovation for Healthier Americans,” a white paper that identifies similar areas of need.

ASCO has weighed in heavily throughout this process and will continue to work closely with lawmakers in both the House and the Senate to build a legislative framework that is designed to quicken the discovery, development, and delivery of promising new treatments to patients.

This page will feature regular updates on Congressional developments and ASCO advocacy efforts to shape this far-reaching initiative.

U.S. House: 21st Century Cures

21st Century Cures Discussion Document Unveiled
ASCO Offers Input on 21st Century Cures PCAST White Paper
ASCO Provides Input on U.S. House Committee White Paper on Accelerating Progress in Care
21st Century Cures: ASCO Supports Congressional Effort to Accelerate Medical Progress

U.S. Senate: Innovation for Healthier Americans

ASCO Responds to Senate “Innovation for Healthier Americans” Discussion Document, Saying Any Legislation Should Protect Patients, Empower Physicians to Use Technology

Additional Resources

ASCO has shared the following reports with Congressional lawmakers. These reports lay out ASCO’s vision for the future of cancer care in the United States, including the growing role of big data and cancer panomics in cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.

ASCO Response to Innovation for Healthier Americans (February 2015)
ASCO’s Comments to House Energy and Commerce Committee on Regulation of Laboratory Developed Tests (January 2015)
Shaping the Future of Oncology: Envisioning Cancer Care in 2030
Accelerating Progress Against Cancer: ASCO's Blueprint for Transforming Clinical and Translational Cancer Research
Blueprint Progress Report

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